Friday, January 29, 2010

Miley And Demi To Star In A Film Together!

Filed under: Demi Moore > Film Flickers > Miley Cyrus > Tallulah Willis > Demi Lovato
Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore are in talks to take on the lead roles in the comedy L.O.L.: Laughing Out Loud.
The movie will be a remake of the 2008 French film about a 15-year-old girl who gets dumped and has a tumultuous relationship with her divorced mother.
French actresses Sophie Marceau and Christa Theret played the mother-daughter duo in the original movie, written and directed by Lisa Azuelos-Allesandrin who will do the same for the Hollywood version.
We're not sure what we think of the casting. Miley and Demi don't really resemble each other in our opinion.
What do U think?
P.S. Why didn't they cast Demi's 15-year-old Tallulah? We wonder…

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